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Worms World Party - Full Rip (One Link 197MB)

Worms World Party

Worms World Party is the perfect online gaming experience on a global scale with it's mixture of globally appealing humor outrageous entertainment addictive gameplay and myriad of game modes and options. This World Party edition contains a massively focused section for multiplayer games including cooperative and confrontational multiplayer missions new fantastic multiplayer game modes The very nature of the game means that the game and all it's multiplayer delights can also be enjoyed by a group around a single PC or console although nothing beats the delight of dispatching a homing missile 14000 miles across the planet to sink your foes.

Minimum System requirements:

* Pentium 100MHz
* 32Mb System RAM
* 2x CDRom Drive
* 2Mb Video RAM.

Optimal :

* Pentium 200MHz or faster
* 32 Mb+ System RAM
* 8x CDRom Drive
* Network card
* Modem.

DOWNLOAD : (rapidshare)

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